Thursday, September 13, 2018

Teaching Philosophy Unmasked

Image result for uaacce usbe 2018 conference

On Friday, September 14, 2018, six of us will be delivering two presentations at the 2018 UAACCE/USBE Conference.

Slaying the Pedagogical Dragon: Raising Scores through Learner Content - Betsy & Deb
We will share how we develop our units of instruction - brainstorming, KWL, activities, & products. Then we will share the results of 4 instructional units with the attendees.

Ask, Don't Tell - Danny, John, Ellen, Ray, & Deb
Our group will engage attendees in examining two extreme types of instructional methodology. Then we will explain how our inquiry method works. We will share pros and cons of this method. We will then take this method further by sharing how we create note pages to foster independent learning..

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